Our business had been successfully supplying custom engineered power equipment for many years to diverse industries including construction, aerospace, pharmaceutical, aviation ground support, etc.
In 2012 Chris, a friend and trusted college of nearly thirty years was becoming increasingly immobilized because of diabetes. Chris a former golfer, hockey player, equestrian and fiercely independent man was depressed about his future reliance on others to do the simple life tasks. We ruminated about his situation and devised a plan to capitalize on our long historic expertise in electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic servo systems. We designed an integrated power transport chair and transfer lift which would enable him to dramatically extend his mobility and self-reliance.
During the development of Chris’s “New Freedom” visitors to our facility seeing his prototype, related enthusiastically to its capabilities and we began to hear personal stories about their family members, friends and loved ones. We were introduced to a wife with Multiple Sclerosis, sons suffering from military related injuries, brothers crippled by work place accidents and a young nurse who could no longer fulfill her duties because of an ergonomic incident lifting a patient. We became excited by the prospect of applying our life long experience helping people who required enhanced mobility. We formed ALLMobile Technology LLC as a separate business entity to develop and produce products designed to improve personal mobility.
A major component of the business model we developed was to supply products that extend the mobility of people who have enjoyed active lifestyles. The growing population of young wounded veterans injured in Iraq, Afghanistan and of aging baby boomers emphasized this need.
We discovered the Swift single rider adaptive golf cars while searching for a platform to expand our business model. The Swift company had successfully provided safe, high quality single rider cars but was in danger of discontinuing its great work due to the untimely death of one of the partners. We conducted the normal due diligence, including test driving carts, performing technical analysis of the product and a review of the business history and track record.
Most significantly we interviewed golfers and club officials who enthusiastically endorsed the product, the company and the future of the single rider golf car’s expanding role in the entire golf scene.
We were convinced.
In late August, we transported inventory and other physical assets of the Swift company from Illinois to our Western New England facility. Adding Swift carts to our product purview is fortuitous and extremely exciting.
The original reason for the existence of single rider carts was based on a reaction to regulatory demands. Single rider carts certainly enhance any club’s ADA compliance capabilities whether they are private, or public access. More significantly the rapidly expanding necessity for mobility enhancement supersedes the regulatory specifics of the golf business.
The general population of the US includes record numbers of 50 to 80+ years of age. Many are dedicated to continuing their life long physical activities despite the infirmities and limitations which often occur with advancing age.
People of all age groups suffering from the effects of accident, illness and other misfortunes passionately fight for the quality of life they desire. Ironically young people severely injured by participation in sport activities constitute a large portion of this category.
Anne, 32 years old with severe spinal injury resulting from a freak bicycling accident recently acquired an adaptive golf cart. Anne before her accident played tennis, hiked mountain trails and was an avid golfer. Her new adaptive cart is enabling her reentry onto the links and is transporting her to favorite places along the wooded trails near her Berkshire Mountain retreat.
Perhaps the most significant group of people benefitting from single rider adaptive carts are our wounded warriors. For maturing Viet Nam era or young veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, Golf is the game of pleasure, engagement and proven therapy.
The goals of developing significant new business and providing life changing solutions rarely run on the same track. Golf clubs, public and private have begun to achieve both goals by installing adaptive single rider carts into their fleets.
Regulations may come and go but expanding the golf universe keeping our existing players active and opening the game to new players is our common responsibility. Additionally, it never hurts to be prepared for enforcement of regulatory statutes.
Swift ALLMobile is ready to assist you. We have the products and support services to closely match your requirements.
We offer lease/finance plans, service contracts and consulting services to help prepare your facility for best adaptive cart utilization.
For more information visit All Mobile or call us toll free in the US at 1-888-3280 or 518-798-7211.